
    more forgotten 查询结果如下:


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    “The history of our country is characterised by too much forgetting,” Mr Mandela said, adding that his advancing age-he is now 86 years old-had “forced him to make friends with forgetting”.


    属类:社会文化 -新闻报道

    This sweltering, desperately poor country appears to be one of the world’s most forgotten places.


    属类:英汉句库 -article.yeeyan.org

    Being negative in any way is frowned upon, but what most forget is that telling the truth is more important than being nice.


    属类:英汉句库 -article.yeeyan.org

    Forgotten Man’ Story: Under Trump, Red Counties Economically Thrive via @BreitbartNews

    ’被遗忘的人’的故事:在特朗普的统治下,红色县(支持共和党的县)经济蓬勃发展。 @BreitbartNews

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    Today, I was proud to sign the Autism CARES Bill! We support research for Americans with Autism and their families. You are not forgotten, we are fighting for you!


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    The world’s worst nuclear disaster was on the verge of being forgotten. Now HBO’s hit drama is bringing visitors to the site of the tragedy


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    I have not forgotten that when it was announced that I was going to do The Apprentice, and when it then became a big hit, helping NBC’s failed lineup greatly, @DebraMessing came up to me at an Upfront & profusely thanked me, even calling me “Sir.” How times have changed!

    我没有忘记,当宣布我将要做“学徒”这个节目时,当这个节目成为一个大热门,极大帮助了NBC的失败节目时,@ DebraMessing找到了我并且非常感谢我,甚至叫我“先生。” 时代变了!

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    After almost 3 years in my Administration, Jason Greenblatt will be leaving to pursue work in the private sector. Jason has been a loyal and great friend and fantastic lawye His dedication to Israel and to seeking peace between Israel and the Palestinians won’t be forgotten. He will be missed. Thank you Jason!

    在我的政府工作了近3年后,Jason Greenblatt将离开去私营部门工作。杰森一直是一位忠诚而伟大的朋友,也是一位出色的律师。他对以色列的奉献和寻求以色列与巴勒斯坦人之间的和平不会被遗忘。我们会怀念他的。谢谢杰森!

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    The true meaning of Memorial Day is often forgotten. Remember all of those that made the ultimate sacrifice so that we can be free. #MemorialDay

    阵亡将士纪念日的真正意义常常被遗忘。记住所有那些为了我们得享自由而作出了最大牺牲的人们。 #纪念日

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    Since election day, businesses large and small have created more than 6.2 MILLION jobs and the unemployment rate is at a 50-year low! The forgotten men and women of America are forgotten no more!


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    Dear frieda: I’ve been in England three months now.I hope you don’t think I’ve forgotten you. There have been so many things to do and so many places to see that I’ve not had much time for writing letters.


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